Friday, September 11, 2015

Blog PSA


So a couple of people have had trouble with leaving comments on my posts. I've changed a couple of settings in the past week or so and just wanted to give everyone a heads up. From now on, if you want to leave a comment, you shouldn't have to wait for my approval, or use any sort of account to sign in, or do the weird image selection test.

For anyone who is leaving a comment, there is a mandatory field labeled "Comment as" with a pull down menu. Unless you're already signed in to your Gmail or Google+ account, I suggest that you select "Name/URL" in order to leave your comment (unless you want it to be anonymous for some reason?). You can enter whatever name you want to, and you can leave the URL section blank. Then you should be all good to publish a comment! If you're signed in to any Google account, that will be the name posted with the comment (though, there is an option to sign out when you go to publish the comment).

Also, please note that you can't leave a comment via the mobile site for some reason. If you try to post a comment from your phone, it won't show up.

One more thing, I've had one or two people tell me that they were unable to subscribe to my blog via email (see the right side bar). If you can, try to do it on a computer and not a mobile device, and if you're still unsuccessful, then just know that I'm going to try to post something at least once per week, so you can check back when you have time and peruse my escapades and reflections at your leisure.

Thanks so much! Happy reading :)

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